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Nice and round

3D cell cultures with BIOFLOAT™ cell culture plates

Spheroid cultures with BIOFLOAT™

The cultivation of 3D cell cultures is both challenging and time-consuming. With the innovative BIOFLOAT™ cell culture plates, SARSTEDT is now offering a reliable solution for creating particularly even spheroids in a quick and reproducible manner.

Innovative solution

The innovative high-grade anti-adhesive surface of the BIOFLOAT™ cell culture plates acts as an anti-stick coating. The cells form cell-to-cell contacts and aggregate primarily to one very evenly round spheroid per well (>95%). This leads to a high reproducibility of your results.

Convincing performance for convincing results

Test the BIOFLOAT™ cell culture plates in your lab and see the precedent-setting development yourself.

  • Rounder: innovative, high-grade anti-adhesive surface coating for easy cultivation
  • Faster: uniform spheroids have been shown to form more rapidly than on most anti-adhesive, cell-repellent surfaces
  • More reliable: evenly round spheroids – usually one per well (>95%) – ensure the high reproducibility of your results
Fig.: 100 μl of a suspension of primary human hepatocytes with a concentration of 25,000 cells/ml (equivalent to 2,500 cells/well) was seeded per well. After spheroid formation, 50 μl of medium was exchanged every 48-72 h.
Fig.: 200 μl of a suspension of 3T3 cells with a concentration of 30,000 cells/ml (corresponding to 6,000 cells/well) was seeded per well. Wells with exactly one spheroid were identified and plotted in percent as a function of incubation time.
Fig.: 200 μl of a suspension of 3T3 cells with a concentration of 30,000 cells/ml (corresponding to 6,000 cells/well) was seeded per
well. The relative circularity of the spheroids formed was determined and plotted as a function of time. The higher the value, the rounder the spheroid. A value of 1 would correspond to a perfect circle.

Robust—wash and scratch-resistant coating

Unlike hydrogel-based products, the ultra-thin BIOFLOAT™ polymer coating is not disturbed by washing or mechanical action by pipette tips.

Fig.: The well bottom was lightly scratched using a standard pipette tip (once all around with moderate pressure) and heavily scratched (30 s with strong pressure). 200 μl of a suspension of 3T3 cells with a concentration of 30,000 cells/ml (corresponding to 6,000 cells/well) was then seeded per well.
"By using BIOFLOAT™ products, we considerably minimise these sources of error."
PD Dr. Antonina LavrentievaLeibniz Universität Hannover
"I used the plates for spheroid cultivation of primary and iPSC derived cells. It shortened my workflow significantly as I don´t have to precoat my plates anymore. The spheroids shape was highly reproducible and the culture was very active in later measurements. I can recommend the plates to everyone working with neuronal spheroids."
Jasmin SchäferNMI Reutlingen
"With SARSTEDT BIOFLOAT™, my cells aggregate within more uniform spheroids than before, even without any centrifugation of the plate."
Dr Michel PucéatINSERM U1251/Marseille Medical Genetics
"I have noticed that when using BIOFLOAT™ plates from SARSTEDT, the cells very quickly aggregate to form nice, round spheroids."
Sandra DienemannLeibniz Universität Hannover
"The Biofloat plates saved our organoid cultures and we aim to use them from now on."
Sol Da RochaUniversity of Lund
"We use the BIOFLOAT™ plates for spheroid culture of MCF10A cells. Very easy and simple to use. You achieve very reproducible results."
Petra SnyderTU Darmstadt

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